Monday, May 24, 2010

A Heart That Serves

"And the Lord God said 'It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.' " Genesis 2:18

Women are not the same as men, we are not meant to be equal partners in a marriage. We are made by God to be help-meets for our husbands. One of the most important characteristics of a heart for God and our husbands is a heart that serves.

Cultivating a Heart that Serves
-We, as women, must start with our families, specifically our husbands, in our efforts to cultivate a heart that serves.

-Elizabeth George states our mission is clear from God..."I am on assignment from God to help my husband." But how? I can share his responsibilities, respond to his nature with understanding and love, and cooperate with him in working out the plan God has for our family.

-I do not desire to be in competition with my husband. I desire to support and complement him. To this end, I have made a commitment (which I often have to remind myself of daily) to help my husband.

-I try to focus on my husband's needs...what can I do for Rick today? What can I do to help him make better use of his time?

-In each decision I make or action I take that effects our home, family or anything else related to our marriage, I ask myself "will this help or hinder my husband?"

A submissive and servant's heart is not an enslaved heart. I don't do these things because Rick demands them of me. I do them because I love my Lord and I love my husband and this is how God has instructed me to treat my husband and express that love I feel for him. I am not perfect, Rick is not perfect. Often we fall far short of God's instructions and expectations of us, and in the process we hurt each other. But God forgives and instructs us to forgive...and so we do, because we love Him and each other.

"We have to learn to make the least of all that goes and the most of all that comes." Ruth Graham

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